Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Passion: I've lost mine

I came to the realization this week that over the last few months I have let other people steal my passion.

When I decided to start doing blog design and prints I knew that I would be a small fish in a huge pond full of other little and big fish. What I didn’t expect was that some of those other fish would come at me, that they would tell me in one breath that all creativity comes from God, but in the next telling me I was stealing food off their tables.

With all this negative talk I retreated and tried really hard not to step on anyone’s toes. Afraid that by saying or doing anything I would offend them. But by doing this I realized that I was hiding the words God had given me, and the vision he gave me.

So today I’m taking my passion back. I’m taking my passion for design and my passion for getting his words out there. I’m not going to let other’s get me down.

So from now on expect to see lots of new designs and free printables. I’m excited to see what we comes out of this. 

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