Today I am so so thankful for my nursing cover! I’m not sure I can every express how thankful I am for it. Now let me tell you why.
I had my first incident while pumping at work today. Usually I pump in the front boardroom of our office – mainly because it’s smaller and no one uses it. And I can book it out as busy for the half hour I’m in there. However today my boss called in sick, so rather than carting everything through the entire office, I thought I would just use my boss’s office. I still have access to my files and our systems so on the crazy day that was today I could still work while pumping. Total plus to my stress level due to the amount of paperwork I had on my desk. So at 10:30, I logged off my computer, told my co-worker Darlene that I was going to go and get ‘busy’ as we call it, and headed across the hall into my boss’ office. Closed the door and got busy pumping. I am quite modest when nursing or pumping. Especially since I work in an office of mostly men. So I always have my nursing cover with me just in case. Well thank goodness I did today. About 10 minutes after I started pumping, the Senior Partner of our office walked into my boss’ office to drop off some paperwork, thinking that since he’s sick no one would be in there. Thank goodness he’s super understanding after having two preemie grandbabies and a daughter that pumped for months.
I knew the day would come where someone would walk in on my pumping. I was hoping to avoid it for another few months, but oh well. It’s done now, and it doesn’t have to happen again.
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