Thursday, October 28, 2010

19 Weeks

Today little Grayson has been growing for 19 weeks. It’s amazing to think that we’re nearing the half waypoint.
I’m finally starting to feel big, and I know it’s only going to get worse. I had to get one of those super sexy maternity belts to help my hips and lower back through this. I have to say it has worked really well this week.
 Grayson seems to get the hiccups a lot these days, and as weird as it feels, I can’t say I mind it. I know it’s helping him develop a strong diaphragm and good breathing skills.

 This week babE G is the size of an heirloom tomato from his head to his bum. He’s growing and squirming a lot. Depending on the day B can feel him kicking if he has his hand on my stomach at the opportune moment.
 Teaching is getting harder and harder, I can’t do as much as I would like, and my body seems to be seeing the downfall of that. I know that my body changing is part of this, but I do wish I could at least keep my perky bum! Oh well, I’ll work hard over the next few months to keep it perky, I’ll just have to put more effort into it. I hope that I’ll be able to keep teaching until I’m almost due, but we’ll have to see what the doctor and physiotherapist says. I don’t want to do anything that could put Mr Grayson in jeopardy.

Can’t wait to be half done. 19 weeks done, 21 more to go.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

It’s a …

babE Boy!

B and I are so excited that we’ll be meeting our son in just over 20 weeks. It seems weird that we know, but also amazing that we’ll be able to start calling him by name and buying little things for him.
We’ve decided on a name. Our son will be Grayson David Richard. Strong and Distinguished as my friend R says. B and I both had different criteria for names. I wanted something that was unique but not too off the wall, and B wanted something that would work well in the business world. So after months of discussion and searching we finally agreed on a name. The middle names are family names that we think are important to pass on to our Son. Names of people that have done some pretty amazing things, and have created a heritage that he’ll learn more about as he goes through life.

Our day went something like this today: We woke up, realized that we were already running late to make it to our Dr’s appt. So rush rush rush to get there as close to time as we could. Saw the Doctor. Have I told you how much I love her! I feel so blessed to have the connections that got us into her office. She’s very good, and doesn’t talk down to us at all. She clearly communicates everything to us. She wants to know the smallest things, just so she can track them and know if it might become an issue, before it becomes and issue. Anyways. After our appt with her, we still had 40 minutes to wait before our ultrasound. I had purposely scheduled our ultrasound that same day, within the same building, so then B wouldn’t have to take extra time off work to be there. I know my husband and he does not want to miss a thing if he can help it, so I try to make it work so that he can always be there. So during our wait we went to the coffee shop in the main floor, just chatted, talked about what we thought it might be. It was a nice break in what turned out to be a long morning. And then we headed up to the ultrasound.

The girl that did our ultrasound was very nice. She’s still a student and just finishing up her practical hours. It did take a bit longer than we had planned, or we had thought, but it was nice to see when we were all done. B came into the room, and sat down at my feet and held my hand as the ultrasound tech gave us a ‘tour’ of the babE. And then the big announcement. There was no doubting it; it’s a boy. A very active boy. The grin on B’s face went from 100 watts to a million in about 3 seconds, and I have to admit I did have some tears in my eyes. I would have cried either way, but knowing that we’re passing on B’s family name for future generations is very special. We walked to the car all excited and thoughts spinning in our heads of our son. I called my mom and dad right away, I knew they wouldn’t be home to get the email when we sent it since they were off to my dad’s Uncle’s funeral. We also called B’s dad, he works just blocks from our Doctor’s office, and since it was so close to lunch we thought we might be able to grab a bite to eat with him and we were in luck. We were able to tell B’s dad in person that we’re carrying on his family name, and that he’s going to have a grandson.

Emails were sent and sisters are very excited. B’s sister has been bugging me for weeks about telling her as soon as we knew. So she’s very happy to know that she’s going to have a nephew in a few months. My sister is excited; she’s already busy planning baby showers for babE G.

18 weeks and 4 days done, 21 weeks and 3 days to go. I can’t wait to meet my son, and I’m so thankful for the technology that lets us know ahead of time that we’re going to be meeting our little Grayson soon.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

One more sleep – well two if I have a nap

18 weeks! only another 22 to go!

We find out tomorrow if we’re having a babE G or a babE A.

No A doesn’t stand for animal, it’s the first initial of the name we have picked out if we have a daughter, G for our son’s name if it’s a boy.

The count down started 32 days ago, 32 more sleeps, 26 more sleeps, and now one more sleep.

Everyone seems to have their predictions about what we’re going to be having. The girls at work can’t decide, they’re split on boy or girl. B’s step-mom thinks it’s a girl, because at our last doctor’s appointment the heartbeat was fast. I can’t say I have an opinion, I’ve never been here before, I can’t say from previous experience.

B and I are just excited to know. We can start shopping, okay I can start shopping. We can plan and get some of the little things done. We can paint something blue or pink to go with the green room. It’s also going to be great to just start calling him or her by name and praying for his or hers life and future.

So one more sleep and we’ll find out. BabE G or babE A. I can’t wait to know and start calling you by name my little babE.

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